Thursday, August 17, 2006

Fan Account: Korean Fan saw Jihoon on the 15th

Some of you may have read Pau's blog entry, for today that amused her. She posted just a portion of it so I'm sharing the entire story here.

Korea celebrates Independence Day yesterday. The entire nation went on holiday.
Some students saw Jihoon at JYPE

Went to Myeongdong first with my friend ** in order to see oppa's Giordano pictures.
The pictures were huge and he looks so handsome...
Like admiring an art piece.
We walked round and round the mall, ignoring people's stares...Very Happy

After lunch, we arrived at JYPE around 3pm.
It was drizzling and there was not many people around.
We waited by the convenience store's entrance.
Later on, some g.o.d fans joined us in the waiting.
We waited until 5pm but oppa didn't appear.
We thought he wasn't coming today.
Just a little while more...
Suddenly, a bright light shone from afar! My eyes!

Oppa rode on his white bike quietly, small and agile.
He was wearing something similar to what he wore during one of his interviews.
Blue wifebeater with red trimmings, only he was wearing a baseball hat instead...
This is my first seeing oppa on a bike
The bike's very small, and oppa's very tall...
So cute...

We shouted, "Rain is here!"
He rode towards the carpark.
Oppa was parking, and he looked really well-practised. Cute..

"Hello Oppa..."
"Em. hello."
After that, oppa went in through the backdoor.

I've gotten my conclusion to the visit to JYPE this time:
If oppa's in a good mood, he'll say, "Em, hello!"
If it's so-so, he'll lower his tone by 8 notches, "Em. Hello."
If he's a bad mood, he won't even say "hello"...
This is my guess.

Henceforth, I felt that oppa was in a so-so mood today,
so I went over to look at oppa's bike.
I gingerly touched the bike handle which still bore the warmth from oppa's hands.

I was happily going around looking at the bike from all sides
Then, a dancer came out
Told us we can't come in here
Asked us to leave
We didn't have a choice, so we did.
Oppa came out from the back door.
He was with his dancers.
His mood seemed to have improved tremendously (the unpredicatable oppa!)
He was playing around with his dancers..
My friend gave him some drinks and a letter she wrote.
Oppa gave a slight "ah". He seemed slightly shocked.
Then he said, "Em, thanks."

They were going out for dinner.
Walked to the left, leant to the right...
The way he walks, that back, those shoulders...ha...
He was in such a good mood, grinning widely and showing his teeth.
We even heard "ha ha" sounds of laughter.
He looks so good laughing.
But why did he smile so little a few days ago?

After an hour, oppa appeared again.
We saw oppa's smiling face.
We were afraid he'll be uncomfortable with us staring like that,
so we peeked at him with intervals. :sweatingbullets:

But how is this so?

Opps was joking around with his dancers
His body languages and words he used are cute beyond description!
Those expressions and movements were like that of a kid!

I saw his expressions and time froze for 3 seconds...

Jihoon oppa he sulked playfully!
So cute!

Then we walked towards us...

We said, "Oppa, your autograph please."
"Em ok. I'll give you an autograph. Give them all to me."
Then he started signing the stuff we passed to him.
He strided towards the carpark with big steps.
One stride of oppa is equal to three of mine.

Oppa put the stuff we passed him on the car to sign.
At this moments, some fans of trainees came over and asked for autographs too.
Oppa was still smiling and said, "give them all to me."
The area in the carpark wasn't big, and many people had crowded over.
I stood closely next to oppa.
My arms and his touched...ah...(I'm not a pervert)
I saw oppa's arm
His skin was fair and smooth
Makes you feel like touching it.

Oppa signed his autograph one by one.
We said our name and he "em" in acknowledgement.
He spoke warmly
An uncle came and asked for an autograph using his daughter's name.

he was almost done, and the crowd grew bigger.
The dancers started hurrying him...
Oppa said "sorry" and went towards the back door.

At this moment, I shouted, "Sleep well! Don't fall sick!"

Oppa looked back and said "em"
Then said, "It's too hot. Go home early." warm and affectionate.
All right, all right, we'll go home straight away.

Oppa re-arranged his motorbike a little.
He's really very familiar with his bike. I saw his cute expression, almost fainted.
Lifted it and put it
Then he went into the training studio.

Credit: jinlees@soompi
Kr to Ch: wwrain@ Baidu
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop


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