Saturday, June 24, 2006

When One Moves On

Some of you may be aware or have visited various forums and websites dedicated to Rain. But I limit myself to the links posted here. For the past few days now Rain fans in soompi are having a friendly discussion on the androgynous look (think pantech and his full house look) that he plans to use for his Japan promotion. As expected some are in favor while others prefer that he maintain a more manly appearance especially is he wants to be more active in the western market. In the heat of it all the name of another korean actor Lee Jun ki has been mentioned because he is the best example of man falling under this description.

But to make the long story short, last night a former hard core Bi fan (meaning she's been to most of his concerts if not all, bought all original albums, dramas and whatever items she can get ) turned Jung ki fan made her presence felt in Bi's thread to express her dislike on how she thinks her current "idol" is being bashed by Rain fans. But how can "girly looking" or "androgynous looking" be considered as bashing. It was how the guy was promoted by the korean media and it's how he's being depicted in the promotional write-ups being released to asian writers. Blame his management company then for highlighting that in making their artist stand out.

I can understand if a fan decides to move on and support other stars but shouldn't it be sweeter if you retain good memories of the artist you once adored and just make a smooth transition rather than insinuating "this" and "that" negative things about Rain to friends you made as a Bi fan. Please remember that life is short and harboring negative vibes is bad for one's health.

I rest my case...... happy week-end everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people have difficulty letting go. I truly hope she will rest her case, move on and take the negative vibes with her. Just focus on her artist and give us some peace and quiet.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a good laugh when I read her post. Just make me wonder what "friends" she was refering to, that is informing her all those lies about the LJK bashing??? I just want to say, it is because of fans like her that make people dislike LJK. Please move on and leave biers alone!

happybi ^^

12:22 PM  
Blogger marissa said...

Hi anonymous or is it kim and happybi,

I seldom reply in various threads but reading her posting last friday really irked me and to think I have a high regard for her before. I hope her friends are really "true" to her.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Marissa,

I think a lot of people had high regard for her before because they didn't know how two-faced she is. Feel sad for her actually because it must be tough being her.
Flor was prompted to leave a message so she must be mad too!! ekkekek ^^


8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry, forgot to type my name during my post.^_^

There's two side to every coin, just good to know that it also applies to her. At least we know now what to expect.

Kim ^^

9:28 PM  
Blogger marissa said...

Hi Kim & happybi,

I just hope that she realizes that blunder she made last friday and hopefully stay away from Bi if she truly moved on.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I won't hold my breath on it. She'll return one of these days. May it be as a fan once again or more bashing. We'll soon find out.

Kim ^^

2:12 AM  

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