Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm Still Having Nightmares

It was a special friday night because I'm with the company of 5 awesome gals who loves Rain. Dinner was at Min Sok where Cha regaled us with her anecdotes of her trip to Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore complete with pictures (don't know if I can do those poses). Pau told us that the grocery assistant in the nearby kmart is missing us so we just have to drop by and buy, buy buy. By the way the Soul Milk is good but I'd rather eat kutsinta than the ricecakes. Then off to Starbucks in Rockwell for our usual nightcap of coffee and dessert and endless hours of chit chat about our fave guy.

Our topic for the night is very intriguing and so controversial that I'm still having nightmares thinking about it and would rather die than post it here in my blog. I'm really hoping and praying that it's just an observation without a hint of truth..... pleeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz. And Flor if your friend ever confirms it in Bangkok, can you break it to me gently? I need to be mentally prepared ok?


Blogger My Sunshine.. said...

thet!! you know we have the same nightmare since that topic was discussed.. i really can't get over it.. im not really prepared for that!!!!!!!!

anyways.. i do had a great time when im with you guys.. one more thing.. let's not discuss that again!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:31 PM  
Blogger Flor said...

I dont know with you guys, but for me BI or Not BI, he will always be the Rain that Touched my Heart. He made a big difference in my life right now.

He may or may not be, but who cares, I will still see him as the MAN who deserves all due respect and admiration from me. There's still time, he may be a bit confused right now or let's just say, too much UTANG na LOOB for JYP. He has no choice before but now that he has so much, who knows ......

Thet, I know you can teach him a thing or too about you know what, given that chance, aja aja fighting. Teach him the difference between a man's touch from a woman's touch.

9:28 PM  
Blogger marissa said...

I know you've been texting me about it for 2 days na, hahaha.

Don't worry I will really remind you of the puto. Hay naku talagang wish ko toppoki na lang yun naubos ko pa. And that zip file you sent made me wish it has Bi instead.

Of course he will always have a special place in my heart nightmares aside.

Given a chance I promise to teach him a lesson he will never forget and I'm sure Aileen and Cha will be fighting it out with me.

11:25 AM  
Blogger My Sunshine.. said...

yup thet!! but still can't get over it!!!

i won't admit it! never!!

i'll die if i do!!!!!!!!

10:11 PM  
Blogger charity said...

thet!!!it happens!!!hahaha!Nah its just a thing that anyone can have the possiblity. Nightmares i already have loads of it when the first time i heard it...but im not a type that takes things seriously...If it happens it happens! But when it happens i hopes its not now!!!!hehehe!Just thinking of it as a thing that molds him to be the person he can be.

Buty thet my thet!!! Im still fantasizing about him...really i dont care of the possibilities! Im more on the fantasy side anyways!hehehe!

6:14 PM  
Blogger charity said...

another thing!!! Yup lets device a thing or two!!You know what i mean!!! Ok lets volt in!

6:16 PM  
Blogger charity said...

tet!!! You can pose like me!!! Ill teach you!!!harharhar!

6:23 PM  

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